Since he was apprehended in Mexico and handed over to U.S. authorities in March 2018, Keith Raniere has been in federal prison. Denied bail despite no evidence of being a flight risk or danger to society, Raniere was prevented from properly preparing for his trial and unconstitutionally found “guilty” in the court of public opinion. Due to unconstitutional RICO charges, no one with exculpatory testimony was able to testify at his trial on his behalf. The six-week, heavily prejudicial trial was widely covered by mainstream media and favored the salacious prescribed narrative propagated by the government.

It has since been discovered that the prosecution tampered with key evidence, threatened potential witnesses, lied to the media and court about crucial details, and suborned perjury on the witness stand. Until now, the world has only heard one side.

The essays and audios on this site were communicated by Keith after being held for for over a year in oppressive conditions and convicted in at his Kafka-esque trial. We hope you’ll read them with an open mind and consider the possibility that an innocent man was railroaded by a malicious prosecution and corrupt politicized media.

Friends of Keith’s have been working on bringing attention to the injustices and criminal activity carried out by the government through their organization to promote public accountability and due process. Learn more at Make Justice Blind.

Women who were in the secret sorority known as DOS, which was grossly misrepresented and mischaracterized in the media and at trial, and used to fuel the myth around Raniere’s so-called criminal enterprise, are speaking out about the truth of their experiences on the Dossier Project.